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  1. Anne says

    I keep lots of cans of veggies and fruit in my pantry. Right now, without looking, I can tell you that I’ve got corn, carrots, beets, pears, pumpkin, and of course, tomatoes.

  2. Margot C says

    I depend on cans to liven up my meals, jump-start inspiration and make meals easy to assemble (I LOVE your recipe – I never would have thought of that). My main canned ingredient that I MUST have is tomatoes in cans of every type; given that practically half of my dishes are tomato based.

  3. Wild Orchid says

    I love keeping canned peaches on hand for a healthy snack.

    Thanks for the chance to win!
    wildorchid985 at gmail dot com

  4. Jenny Park says

    I like storing as many canned items as I can in my food storage…peaches, pears, pineapple, apples, beans, corn, green beans, we love it all! I would never have thought of peaches, sweet potatoes, and maple syrup…but seriously brilliant!

  5. Megan Johnson says

    I always like to have sweet corn and mandarin oranges, which I do not eat together but are both delicious on their own. šŸ˜€

  6. D SCHMIDT says

    I like to keep tinned carrots, green beans and sweetcorn in the pantry! I also keep a large amount of tinned fruit because my children are big fans, some of our favorites are pineapple chunks and mandarins in light syrup.

  7. Maureen says

    I like Mandarin Oranges and my husband loves canned pears. We also keep canned pumpkin –I tend to make a lot pf pumpkin banana bread and pumpkin crisp.


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