Surprise! I have another brownie recipe for you!
Oh, you’re not surprised?
What can I say? I love brownies!
But these are a little more special than your run of the mill brownies. You see, I added a giant spoonful of nutella into the mix making these guys even more fudgy with a splash of that wonderful hazelnut goodness.
Then I used cookie cutters to make spooky Halloween shapes, and slathered on some white chocolate and a healthy dose of sprinkles.
(This would be a great treat for other holiday’s as well. Just change up the cookie cutters!)
Halloween is almost here so grab some friends or your kids and bake up  this fun and easy recipe – you will have a blast!
Kristine Foley says
I just tried Nutella for the first time not too long ago! These sound delish!
Kristine from The Foley Fam {unedited} Blog
cookingrookie says
You had me at Nutella, but they are also soooo cute 🙂
Lindy@Itsy Bitsy Paper says
Wow, seriously fantastic! I hope you will stop by and link this up to my Wickedly Creative Halloween Ideas Party if you haven’t already. Thank you so much!
The Better Baker says
Just love the new look! Congrats! I’m sure that has to feel so good to have done and set up. I adore the cupcake links in the sidebar! Cookies look great too.
Stephanie says
Thank you, Mrs Baker 😉
Yvonne @ StoneGable says
These are so stinkin’ cute…. and delicious!!! Thanks for bringing the sweet treat to ON THE MENU MONDAY!
Holly says
Yum! Those look amazing!
Dropping by from the Live Laugh Rowe blog hop. 🙂
Pamela says
Awesome Cookies, you did a great job!
Dorothy @ Crazy for Crust says
Love these! Like, so much. How can you go wrong with Nutella??? And the shapes are so cute!
Mary@Back to the Basics! says
I love Nutella! Great recipe and cute brownies!
Stephanie says
Thank you, Mary!
Hayley @ The Domestic Rebel says
These are so cute, girl! You really can’t go wrong with Nutella. In a fudgy brownie. I mean, that’s what it’s meant to be, methinks.
Stephanie says
Thanks, lady! I know my pictures are lousy…but trust me, they tasted good 🙂